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QB64: The Ultimate Solution for QBasic Lovers


QBasic 64: A Modern Version of BASIC for the Modern Era

QBasic is one of the most popular and easy-to-learn programming languages in the world. It was developed by Microsoft in the late 1980s as a simplified version of QuickBASIC, which was itself a successor of GW-BASIC and BASICA. QBasic was widely used for teaching programming, creating games, and developing simple applications. However, with the advent of newer operating systems and technologies, QBasic became obsolete and incompatible with modern computers.

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That's where QBasic 64 comes in. QBasic 64 is a self-hosting BASIC compiler for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, designed to be compatible with Microsoft QBasic and QuickBASIC. It is also known as QB64, which stands for QuickBASIC Extended for Windows/Linux/Mac OS X. QBasic 64 is a free and open-source software that can be downloaded from . It allows you to run many QBasic programs on modern machines, as well as create new programs using enhanced features and capabilities.

In this article, we will explore what QBasic 64 is, what it can do, how to use it, and some examples of programs written in it. We will also learn about the history and development of QBasic 64 and its relation to other BASIC dialects.

Features of QBasic 64

QBasic 64 is not just a clone of QBasic or QuickBASIC. It is a modern version of BASIC that retains the simplicity and elegance of the original language while adding new features and improvements. Some of the main features and advantages of QBasic 64 are:

  • It is compatible with most QBasic statements and functions, as well as many QuickBASIC commands. It can run many QBasic programs without modification, including Microsoft's QBasic Gorillas and Nibbles games.

  • It extends the QBASIC programming language to include 64-bit data types, such as _INTEGER64 (&&) and _FLOAT (##), which can store larger numbers and more precision than the standard data types.

  • It supports better sound and graphics than QBasic or QuickBASIC. It can play WAV files, MIDI files, MP3 files, OGG files, MOD files, etc. It can also display images in various formats, such as BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, etc. It can also create animations, sprites, fonts, shapes, colors, etc.

  • It has debugging abilities, such as breakpoints, watch variables, step over/into/out commands, etc. It also has a new $DEBUG meta command that allows you to enable or disable debugging features in your code.

  • It can compile your code into native binaries for Windows (XP and up), Linux (32-bit or 64-bit), or Mac OS X (Intel or PowerPC). It can also create standalone executables that do not require any external libraries or files.

It has an integrated development environment (IDE) that resembles the QBASIC IDE Tutorial of QBasic 64

Now that you have learned what QBasic 64 is and what it can do, let's see how to use it to create your own programs. In this section, we will cover the basics of using the integrated development environment (IDE) and the interpreter of QBasic 64, as well as some fundamental concepts and syntax of the QBasic 64 programming language.

Using the IDE and the interpreter

The IDE of QBasic 64 is where you write, edit, save, load, run, and debug your code. It consists of a menu bar, a toolbar, a status bar, and a text editor. The menu bar provides access to various commands and options, such as File, Edit, View, Run, Debug, Options, and Help. The toolbar contains buttons for some frequently used commands, such as New, Open, Save, Run, Stop, etc. The status bar shows information about the current line and column number, the current mode (Ready or Running), and any error messages. The text editor is where you type your code using the QBasic 64 syntax.

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The interpreter of QBasic 64 is what executes your code and displays the output on the screen. It can run your code in two ways: either by compiling it to an intermediate representation (IR) and executing it on demand within the IDE (this is the default mode), or by compiling it to a native binary for your operating system and executing it as a standalone executable (this requires using the F11 key or the Make EXE File command from the Run menu). The interpreter also provides error handling and debugging features, such as displaying error messages, highlighting syntax errors, setting breakpoints, watching variables, stepping through code, etc.

Writing and running a simple program

To write a simple program in QBasic 64, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the QBasic 64 IDE by double-clicking on the QB64.exe file in your QBasic 64 folder.

  • Select New from the File menu or click on the New button on the toolbar. This will open a new blank file in the text editor.

  • Type your code in the text editor using the QBasic 64 syntax. For example, you can type this simple program that prints "Hello, world!" on the screen:PRINT "Hello, world!"

  • Save your code by selecting Save or Save As from the File menu or clicking on the Save button on the toolbar. You can give your file any name you want with a .bas extension. For example, you can save your file as hello.bas in your QBasic 64 folder.

  • Run your code by selecting Start from the Run menu or clicking on the Run button on the toolbar. This will compile your code to IR and execute it within the IDE. You will see a new window pop up with the output of your program. For example, you will see this output:Hello, world!

  • Close the output window by pressing any key or clicking on the X button on the top right corner. This will return you to the IDE.

Congratulations! You have just written and run your first program in QBasic 64!

Using variables, data types, operators, statements, loops, functions, and arrays

A program is more than just printing some text on the screen. A program can perform various operations on data using variables, data types, operators, statements, loops, functions, and arrays. Let's see what these concepts mean and how to use them in QBasic 64.


A variable is a name that represents a value that can change during the execution of a program. For example, you can use a variable called score to store the score of a game. You can assign a value to a variable using the = operator. For example:score = 0

You can also use a variable to store the result of an expression that involves other variables or constants. For example:score = score + 10

You can print the value of a variable using the PRINT statement. For example:PRINT score

You can use any combination of letters (A-Z or a-z), digits (0-9), or underscores (_) to name a variable. However, you cannot start a variable name with a digit or use any reserved words as variable names. Reserved words are words that have special meanings in QBasic 64, such as PRINT, IF, FOR, etc. You can also use suffixes to indicate the data type of a variable. For example, you can use % to indicate an integer variable, $ to indicate a string variable, or # to indicate a double-precision floating-point variable. For example:name$ = "John"age% = 25pi# = 3.14159

QBasic 64 also supports 64-bit data types, such as _INTEGER64 (&&) and _FLOAT (##), which can store larger numbers and more precision than the standard data types. For example:big&& = 1234567890123456789small## = 0.000000000000000001

Data types

A data type is a category of values that a variable can hold. QBasic 64 supports several data types, such as:

Data typeDescriptionRangeSuffix

INTEGERA 16-bit signed integer-32768 to 32767%

LONGA 32-bit signed integer-2147483648 to 2147483647&

_INTEGER64A 64-bit signed integer-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807&&

SINGLEA 32-bit single-precision floating-point number-3.402823E+38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E+38 for positive values0 for zero!

DOUBLEA 64-bit double-precision floating-point number-1.79769313486232E+308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E+308 for positive values0 for zero#

_FLOATA 80-bit extended-precision floating-point number-3.36210314311293E+4932 to -3.64519953188247E-4951 for negative values3.64519953188247E-4951 to 3.36210314311293E+4932 for positive values0 for zero##

STRINGA sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks or assigned to a string variableUp to 2 billion characters (limited by available memory)$

_BIT (bit)A single bit that can be either 0 or 10 or 1N/A

_BYTE (byte)A 8-bit unsigned integer0 to 255N/A

_WORD (word)A 16-bit unsigned integer0 to 65535N/A

_DWORD (dword)A 32-bit unsigned integer0 to 4294967295N/A

_QUAD (quad)A 64-bit unsigned integer0 to 18446744073709551615N/A

You can use the _DEFINE command to create your own data types using the existing ones. For example, you can create a data type called POINT that consists of two integers, x and y, to represent the coordinates of a point on the screen. For example:_DEFINE POINT x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER

You can then declare a variable of type POINT and assign values to its fields using the . operator. For example:DIM p AS POINTp.x = 100p.y = 200


An operator is a symbol that performs a specific operation on one or more operands. Operands are the values or variables that are involved in the operation. QBasic 64 supports various types of operators, such as:

  • Arithmetic operators: These are used to perform mathematical calculations on numeric operands. For example, +, -, *, /, ^, etc.

  • Relational operators: These are used to compare two operands and return a logical value (TRUE or FALSE). For example, =, , , =, etc.

  • Logical operators: These are used to combine two or more logical values and return a logical value. For example, AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc.

  • Bitwise operators: These are used to manipulate individual bits of an operand. For example, AND (&), OR (), NOT (), XOR (^), SHL (>), etc.

  • String operators: These are used to perform operations on string operands. For example, + (concatenation), = (comparison), , , = (lexicographical comparison), etc.

  • Parentheses: These are used to group expressions and change the order of evaluation. For example, (2 + 3) * 4.

You can use operators in expressions that can be assigned to variables or printed on the screen. For example:a = 2 + 3 * 4PRINT ab = "Hello" + " " + "world!"PRINT bc = (a > b) AND NOT (b = c)PRINT c


A statement is a command that tells the interpreter what to do. QBasic 64 supports many statements that can perform various tasks, such as:

  • Input and output statements: These are used to get input from the user or display output on the screen. For example, INPUT, PRINT, CLS, LOCATE, COLOR, etc.

  • Control flow statements: These are used to control the execution flow of the program based on certain conditions or repetitions. For example, IF...THEN...ELSE, SELECT CASE, FOR...NEXT, WHILE...WEND, DO...LOOP, GOTO, GOSUB...RETURN, etc.

  • Data manipulation statements: These are used to manipulate data in variables or arrays. For example, LET, DIM, REDIM, SWAP, ERASE, etc.

  • Function and subroutine statements: These are used to define and call functions and subroutines that can perform specific tasks and return values. For example, DECLARE, FUNCTION...END FUNCTION, SUB...END SUB, CALL, RETURN, etc.

  • Miscellaneous statements: These are used to perform other tasks that do not fall into the above categories. For example, REM, DATA...READ...RESTORE, RANDOMIZE...RND, SLEEP, SYSTEM, etc.

You can use statements in your program to perform various operations and tasks. Each statement must be written on a separate line or separated by a colon (:). For example:REM This is a commentRANDOMIZE TIMERx = RND * 100y = RND * 100PRINT "The sum of x and y is "; x + yS LEEP 3SYSTEM


A loop is a structure that allows you to repeat a block of code multiple times until a certain condition is met. QBasic 64 supports several types of loops, such as:

FOR...NEXT loop: This is a loop that repeats a block of code a fixed number of times, using a counter variable that changes by a specified step value. For example:FOR i = 1 TO 10 STEP 2PRINT iNEXT i

  • This loop will print the odd numbers from 1 to 10.

WHILE...WEND loop: This is a loop that repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true. For example:x = 1WHILE x x = x * 2PRINT xWEND

  • This loop will print the powers of 2 that are less than 100.

DO...LOOP loop: This is a loop that repeats a block of code either until or while a condition is true. For example:y = 1DO UNTIL y > 1000y = y + 100PRINT yLOOP

  • This loop will print the multiples of 100 that are less than or equal to 1000.

You can use loops in your program to perform repetitive tasks and operations. You can also use the EXIT FOR, EXIT WHILE, or EXIT DO statements to exit a loop prematurely. For example:FOR i = 1 TO 10IF i = 5 THEN EXIT FORPRINT iNEXT i

This loop will print the numbers from 1 to 4 and then exit the loop.

Functions and subroutines

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task and returns a value. A subroutine is a block of code that performs a specific task but does not return a value. You can use functions and subroutines in your program to modularize your code and avoid repetition. You can also pass parameters to functions and subroutines to customize their behavior. For example:

DECLARE FUNCTION Factorial% (n%)SUB PrintFactorial (n%)DIM f%f% = Factorial(n%)PRINT n%; "! = "; f%END SUBFUNCTION Factorial% (n%)DIM i%, result%result% = 1FOR i% = 1 TO n%result% = result% * i%NEXT i%Factorial% = result%END FUNCTIONx% = 5y% = 10PrintFactorial x%PrintFactorial y%

This program defines a function called Factorial that calculates the factorial of a given number, and a subroutine called PrintFactorial that prints the factorial of a given number. It then calls the subroutine with two different parameters, x and y, and prints their factorials.


An array is a collection of values of the same data type that are stored in consecutive memory locations and accessed by an index. You can use arrays in your program to store and manipulate multiple values using a single variable name. For example:

DIM names$(5)DIM ages%(5)n ames$(1) = "Alice"ages%(1) = 20names$(2) = "Bob"ages%(2) = 25names$(3) = "Charlie"ages%(3) = 30names$(4) = "David"ages%(4) = 35names$(5) = "Eve"ages%(5) = 40FOR i% = 1 TO 5PRINT names$(i%); " is "; ages%(i%); " years old."NEXT i%

This program defines two arrays, names and ages, that store the names and ages of five people. It then prints the names and ages of each person using a loop.

Examples of QBasic 64 programs

To demonstrate the power and versatility of QBasic 64, let's look at some examples of programs written in it. These programs are not meant to be comprehensive or optimized, but rather to illustrate some of the features and capabilities of QBasic 64. You can try these programs yourself by typing them in the QBasic 64 IDE and running them.

A calculator

This program is a simple calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations on two numbers. It uses the INPUT statement to get the numbers and the operator from the user, and the SELECT CASE statement to perform the appropriate calculation. It also uses the _TITLE command to change the title of the output window.

_TITLE "QBasic 64 Calculator"DIM num1#, num2#, result#DIM op$INPUT "Enter the first number: ", num1#INPUT "Enter the second number: ", num2#INPUT "Enter the operator (+, -, *, /): ", op$SELECT CASE op$CASE "+"result# = num1# + num2#CASE "-"result# = num1# - num2#CASE "*"result# = num1# * num2#CASE "/"IF num2# 0 THENresult# = num1# / num2#ELSEPRINT "Cannot divide by zero!"END IFCASE ELSEPRINT "Invalid operator!"END SELECTPRINT "The result is "; result#

A clock

This program is a digital clock that displays the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds. It uses the _TIME$ function to get the current time as a string, and the LOCATE and COLOR statements to position and color the output on the screen. It also uses a DO...LOOP loop to update the time every second, and the SLEEP command to pause the program for a specified amount of milliseconds.

_TITLE "QBasic 64 Clock"DIM time$CLSCOLOR 15, 0DOtime$ = _TIME$LOCATE 12, 36PRINT time$;SLEEP 1000LOOP

A game

This program is a simple game that involves moving a smiley face around the screen using the arrow keys. It uses the _KEYHIT function to detect which key is pressed by the user, and the _PUTIMAGE command to draw an image on the screen. It also uses an array to store the image data, and some variables to store the coordinates and direction of the smiley face.

_TITLE "QBasic 64 Game"DIM smiley(15, 15)DIM x%, y%, dx%, dy%' Initialize smiley array with image data' Each number represents a color (0-15)smiley(0, 1) = 0smiley(0, 2) = 0smiley(0, 3) = 0smiley(0, 4) = 0smiley(0, 5) = 0smiley(0, 6) = 0smiley(0, 7) = 0smiley(0, 8) = 0smiley(0, 9) = 0smiley(0, 10) = 0smiley(0, 11) = 0smiley(0, 12) = 0smiley(0, 13) = 0smiley(0, 14) = 0smiley(1, 0) = 0smiley(1, 1) = 14smiley(1, 2) = 14smiley(1, 3) = 14smiley(1, 4) = 14smiley(1, 5) = 14smiley(1, 6) = 14smiley(1, 7) = 14smiley(1, 8) = 14smiley(1, 9) = 14smiley(1, 10) = 14smiley(1, 11) = 14smiley(1, 12) = 14smiley(1, 13) = 14smiley(1, 14) = 0

' Continue filling the smiley array with the rest of the image data ' You can use a tool like to create your own image and get the data ' The image should be a square of size (15 x 15) ' The color codes are: black (0), blue (1), green (2), cyan (3), red (4), magenta (5), brown (6), white (15), etc. ' For example: ' smiley(2, 0) = ... ' smiley(2, 1) = ... ' smiley(2, 2) = ... ' ... ' Initialize x and y coordinates to the center of the screen x% = _WIDTH / 2 y% = _HEIGHT /2 ' Initialize dx and dy to zero dx% = dy% = ' Clear the screen and set the background color to black CLS _COLOR _RGB32(255,255,255), _RGB32(0,0,0) ' Start a loop DO ' Draw the smiley face on the screen using _PUTIMAGE command ' The first parameter is the x and y coordinates of the top left corner of the image ' The second parameter is the array that contains the image data ' The third parameter is the size of the image (width and height) _PUTIMAGE (x%, y%), smiley(), (15 * _PIXELWIDTH ,15 * _PIXELHEIGHT) ' Get the key pressed by the user using _KEYHIT function ' The function returns a code that represents the key pressed or -1 if no key is pressed key% = _KEYHIT ' Check which key is pressed and change dx and dy accordingly ' Use a SELECT CASE statement to handle different cases SELECT CASE key% CASE _KEYLEFT ' Left arrow key dx% = -5 ' Move left by decreasing x by 5 dy% = ' Keep y unchanged CASE _KEYRIGHT ' Right arrow key dx% = +5 ' Move right by increasing x by 5 dy% = 0 ' Keep y unchanged CASE _KEYUP ' Up arrow key dx% = 0 ' Keep x unchanged dy% = -5 ' Move up by decreasing y by 5 CASE _KEYDOWN ' Down arrow key dx% = 0 ' Keep x unchanged dy% = +5 ' Move down by increasing y by 5 CASE _ESC ' Escape key EXIT DO ' Exit the loop and end the program END SELECT ' Update x and y coordinates by adding dx and dy x% = x% + dx% y% = y% + dy% ' Check if x and y coordinates are within the screen boundaries and adjust them if necessary IF x% _WIDTH - 15 * _PIXELWIDTH THEN x% = _WIDTH - 15 * _PIXELWIDTH ' If x is greater than the width of the screen minus the width of the image, set it to that value IF y% _HEIGHT - 15 * _PIXELHEIGHT THEN y% = _HEIGHT - 15 * _PIXELHEIGHT ' If y is greater than the height of the screen minus the height of the image, set it to that value ' Pause the program for a short time to control the speed of the animation SLEEP 10 ' End the loop LOOP

A binary coder

This program is a binary coder that can convert a string of text into a string of binary digits and vice versa. It uses the ASC function to get the ASCII code of a character, and the BIN$ function to get the binary representation of a number. It also uses the MID$ function to get a substring of a string, and the VAL function to get the numeric value of a string. It also uses some string manipulation techniques, such as concatenation, slicing, padding, etc.

_TITLE "QBasic 64 Binary Coder"DIM text$, binary$, mode$INPUT "Enter text or binary: ", text$INPUT "Enter mode (T for text to binary, B for binary to text): ", mode$SELECT CASE mode$CASE "T"binary$ = "" ' Initialize binary string to emptyFOR i% = 1 TO LEN(text$) ' Loop through each character of text stringc$ = MID$(text$, i%, 1) ' Get the current charactera% = ASC(c$) ' Get the ASCII code of the characterb$ = BIN$(a%) ' Get the binary representation of the ASCII codeb$ = RIGHT$("00000000" + b$, 8) ' Pad the binary string with zeros to make it 8 bits longbinary$ = binary$ + b$ + " " ' Concatenate the binary string with a space separatorNEXT i%PRINT "The binary code is: "PRINT binary$CASE "B"text$ = "" ' Initialize text string to emptyFOR i% = 1 TO LEN(binary$) STEP 9 ' Loop through each group of 8 bits in binary stringb$ = MID$(binary$, i%, 8) ' Get the current group of bitsa% = VAL("&B" + b$) ' Get the numeric value of the bitsc$ = CHR$(a%) ' Get the character corresponding to the numeric valuetext$ = text$ + c$ ' Concatenate the text string with the characterNEXT i%PRINT "The text is: "PRINT text$CASE ELSEPRINT "Invalid mode!"END SELECT

History of QBasic 64

QBasic 64 is not an official product of Microsoft or any other company. It is a community-driven project that was started by a programmer named Galleon in 2007. Galleon was inspired by QBASIC and wanted to create a modern version of it that could run on newer operating systems and have more features and capabilities. He named his project QB64, which stands for QuickBASIC Extended for Windows/Linux/Mac OS X.

Galleon released the first version of QB64 in December 2007 on his website . He continued to develop and improve QB64 over the years, adding new features, fixing bugs , and supporting more platforms. He also created a forum where other programmers could join the project, share their ideas, report issues, and contribute code. The QB64 community grew over time and became a vibrant and active group of enthusiasts who love BASIC and QBasic 64.

In 2019, Galleon decided to step down from the project and handed over the leadership to another programmer named Fellippe Heitor. Fellippe Heitor continued to maintain and develop QB64, along with other contributors from the community. He also moved the project from to , where anyone can access the source code, documentation, examples, and releases of QB64. He also renamed the project from QB64 to QBasic 64, to emphasize its compatibility and similarity with QBasic.

Today, QBasic 64 is one of the most popular and widely used modern versions of BASIC. It has been downloaded by millions of users around the world, who use it for various purposes, such as learning programming, creating games, developing applications, or just having fun. QBasic 64 is also used in many educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities, as a tool for teaching programming and computer science. QBasic 64 is constantly evolving and improving, thanks to the efforts and contributions of its developers and community members.


In this article, we have learned what QBasic 64 is, what it can do, how to use it, and some examples of programs written in it. We have also learned about the history and development of QBasic 64 and its relation to other BASIC dialects. We have seen that QBasic 64 is a modern version of BASIC that retains the simplicity and elegance of the original language while adding new features and improvements. QBasic 64 is a free and open-source software that can be downloaded from GitHub. It allows you to run many QBasic programs on modern machines, as well as create new programs using enhanced features and capabilities.

QBasic 64 is a great way to learn programming or revisit your nostalgia for QBasic. It is also a powerful and versatile tool for creating games, applications, or anything else you can imagine. If you are interested in QBasic 64, you can visit its website at , where you can chat with other users, ask questions, share your projects, and get help.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new about QBasic 64. Thank you for reading!


Here are some common questions and answers about QBasic 64:

  • Q: Is QBasic 64 the same as QBasic?A: No, QBasic 64 is not the same as QBasic. QBasic 64 is a modern version of BASIC that is compatible with QBasic but has more features and capabilities. QBasic 64 can run on newer operating systems and platforms than QBasic.

  • Q: How do I download and install QBasic 64?A: You can download QBasic 64 from its website at or from its GitHub repository at . You can choose the version that suits your operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X). To install QBasic 64, you just need to unzip the downloaded file into a folder of your choice. You don't need to install any additional libraries or files.

  • Q: How do I run a QBasic program in QBasic 64?A: To run a QBasic program in QBasic 64, you need to open the program file (.bas) in the QBasic 64 IDE by selecting Open from the File menu or clicking on the Open button on the toolbar. Then you need to select Start from the Run menu or clicking on the Run button on the toolbar. This will compile your program to IR and execute it within the IDE. You will see a new window pop up with the output of your program.

  • Q: How do I create a standalone executable from a QBasic 64 program?A: To create a standalone executable from a QBasic 64 program , you need to select Make EXE File from the Run menu or press the F11 key on your keyboard. This will compile your program to a native binary for your operating system and save it as an .exe file in the same folder as your program file. You can then run the .exe file without the QBasic 64 IDE or any external libraries or files.

  • Q: How do I learn more about QBasic 64?A: You can learn more about QBasic 64 by visiting its website at, where you can find more information, resources, tutorials, forums, and downloads. You can also join the QBasic 64 community on Discord, where you can chat with other users, ask questions, share your projects, and get help. You can also read the QBasic 64 wiki at , where you can find the documentation, reference, examples, and guides of QBasic 64.


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